Thursday, July 8, 2010

Prize Money

Judge Smails Cup Match Play

1st Place Team: $300
Runner-up Team: $150
Semi-finalist Teams (2): $ 50 each

A match is determined by the amount of holes won by a team, not the overall stroke score. Nine-hole match with sudden death extra hole(s).
Use the better net score of you and your partner against the better net score of your opponents to either win, lose or halve the hole.
Make it clear on the scorecard the hole-by-hole progress of the match and the final result. Do not submit a card without stating the winning team.
All regular weekly quota competition still applies, so keep track of quota points. Quota point performance will also be a factor in subsequent byes.

All USGA rules apply, with the following local rules in effect:

Ball can be played up (preferred lie) in your own fairway

On Hole 1, relief from range and range fence, including line of play (sight) relief. If ball is in driving range, drop within two club lengths on Hole 1 side of fence at point of entry. BALL MUST BE FOUND to take relief; otherwise, it is a lost ball with a penalty of stroke and distance.

Provisional ball can be played for a ball that may be in a water hazard. If original ball is found, then provisional ball must be abandoned.

If you have any questions prior to the match, ask the committee or ask your opponent. (Good luck finding the "committee" and don't trust what your opponent tells you.)

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