Friday, August 28, 2009

Recap Week 15

I'll start by saying that the Year End Tournament is Sunday October 11 @11:30 with the price to be determined.
I know the year is coming to an end when I play the 18th hole in the dark and soon the porch will be filled with Stoughton High kids, so get to the course as early as you can so you don't get stuck behind these hackers.
The round of the week goes to Mike Bradley who if he didn't have a brain cramp putting on the 9th hole after reaching in 2 would have had closest to the pin and won the birdie pool. I guess he wasn't alone as 2 others reached 9 in 2 and did the same leaving Walsh's 6'6" to win closest to the pin.
I say if your going to have a bad day hopefully the person your teamed up with also has one. That was the case with Stefanick and Thompson with a close to record breaking minus 13 total.

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