Friday, May 23, 2008

Recap Week 4

The greens were better, but the weather didn't cooperate as it seemed the only place it rained on Tuesday, was Easton. A few fair weather golfers decided to call it quits and walked off after 6 holes, as Hulk Hogan would say to his son in jail complaining that his cell is to small, toughen up.
The round of the week goes to Gallagher, again a new member who I don't know his first name, came out firing with a +7 followed by Ed Finn who continued on to play 18 and shot a sizzling 77 with the adverse conditions. The 3rd hole is not safe for people on the green and Freedman on the tee, he hit it over the green.
The league has yet to put out a good measuring tape for the closest to the pin, so to save you time, use the flag stick which is 7' long until you get to within 3' and use that thing that is left on the side of the green.

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